How you can get involved

- Annual Membership (Male) £100 (Female) £50
- Donate your Zakah, Sadaqah, Fidyah, Fitr, Kaffarah, etc.
- Construct shelter for homeless families - £2500.
- Sponsor an orphan or a poor student for one year to become Haafiz or an Aalim - £120.
- Feed one poor person £30.00 per month.
- Provide livestock/farming equipment for a whole family to become self reliant - £500.
- Organise a Charity Night at a suitable venue.
- Become a friends of Insaan Aid (Volunteering your time services).
- Dig one deep tube well for clean water - £190.
- Sponsor a family of 4 annually - £120.
- Establish one Maktab (Supplementary School) - £240.

- Provide rickshaw for a family to become self reliant £150.
- Provide widows/poor families with sewing machines in order to become self reliant £100.
- Provide medical aid to poor, disabled and sick people - £250.